Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Please refer to  COURSE OUTLINE for the course schedule and due dates.

Thank you

How to develop an e-portfolio

Dear students

Read more on how to use Google Tools for your e-portfolio development: E-Portfolio Guideline

Thank you

Google Apps for Education: ePortfolio and Formative Assessment Workflow

E-Portfolio Model

Discussion on Assignment 1

How is your progress in Stage One of your assignment(creating an electronic portfolio)?

In this first stage, the primary tasks are:
* To identify the audience of the portfolio and the goals to be addressed in the portfolio.

This important step sets the assessment context and helps frame the rest of the portfolio development process. Knowing the primary audience for the portfolio will help decide the format and storage of the portfolio's presentation of artifacts.

At this stage, you can propose the artifacts that you would like to include in your e-portfolio which depends on your goals/purpose and audience.

For more information on the assignment, please go to this link.

Good Luck!

Course Organisation

These are some options available for you....please decide asap

1- Use this blog as our main meeting point to discuss the course and topics, and everyone creates his/her own blog that will serve as the individual's electronic portfolio and we will link all the individual electronic portfolios (blogs) to this main blog.

2- Use second life for virtual face-to-face meetings during which we will schedule a time to meet and reflect on our electronic portfolios. I am already registered on second life. What about you?

3- or just use OUM LMS. At the moment i have problems with the OUM LMS but the administrators are helping me out. Should be okay by next week.