Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Discussion on Assignment 1

How is your progress in Stage One of your assignment(creating an electronic portfolio)?

In this first stage, the primary tasks are:
* To identify the audience of the portfolio and the goals to be addressed in the portfolio.

This important step sets the assessment context and helps frame the rest of the portfolio development process. Knowing the primary audience for the portfolio will help decide the format and storage of the portfolio's presentation of artifacts.

At this stage, you can propose the artifacts that you would like to include in your e-portfolio which depends on your goals/purpose and audience.

For more information on the assignment, please go to this link.

Good Luck!


  1. Hello Dr. Putri and Colleagues

    I looked at the outline and realized that we need to create an e-portfolio for all our accomplishments of this program. Is this what the first assignment is based on - putting this into context? Please let me know if I am on the right tract.

  2. Dear Professor Putri,

    I am afaraid that the outline I have in from of me does not give much help with the assignments and your expectations. Thanks for the brief explanation given in this blog, where you explain what is required as a first stage - shall I say for Assignment I? I hope you will continue to give us some guidance at each stage of each assignment, or set out each assignment in full as part of the course outline.

    I am also grateful for Dr. Helen Barrett's "E-Portfolios for Learning", which given actual and visual guidance as to the kinds of things one can include in an e-portfolio. Which prompts the question, "What's the difference between a webpage and a portfolio"? Can someone help me out, here?

    One other thing, I would very much like to create an e-portfolio for a course Year I Freshman course on "Orientation to Documentation". Is that permitted?


  3. Dear Prof Putri,

    One other thing, once I get the portfolio going, am I allowed to include in it any aspects of this blog as long as it is in keeping with the objectives of my e-portfolio?


  4. Dear Prof Putri,

    How does one register or sign up for "second life"?


  5. Hi to all
    1. Audience of the portfolio
    For now a target audience for my portfolio are colleagues at the University of Swaziland who intend to integrate web supported learning assets into their instruction

    2. The goals to be addressed in the portfolio
    -To provide access to resources to enhance staff development on managing and facilitating web-supported learning
    -To provide a discussion forum for staff to share ideas on issues in web-supported learning, perhaps through a Wikispace platform
    -To provide a sample course web page hosted on a Moodle LMS by one staff to showcase a best practice example
    -To provide an update on research studies that relate to approaches to web-supported learning design and development

    I will welcome comments and questions to help me refine my focus as I have a feeling that I may be perhaps too ambitious

  6. Hello Steve

    I think,you are right, it is about all our accomplishmnets. I would like to add here that we will have to align those accomplishmnets with our stated goals for the portfolio.

    What do you all think?

  7. Dear Dennis

    I think, on a webpage one presents information whereas an e-portfolio is a meaningful and purposeful selection of artifacts where one reflects on the artifacts. Moreover, the portfolio demonstrates the evolution of thoughts and learning. These things are not a part of the webpage. So, this is how I would say, in very general terms, how the two differ.

    Does that make any sense to you Dennis, what is the opinion of others about this.


  8. Hello again Dennis

    If I may help you with the SecondLife registration, although I am looking forward to hearing from Dr Putri about this.

    For registration I went to this link provided by Putri in an email to us: ... and there they have the option for us to create an account.

    Dear all

    Incidently, have you checked the course organisation link on this sharing space, Dr Putri has asked us about the options for course communication there. Do check it out!


  9. Hello Thula, Sarah, Dennis and All

    I need some direction quickly about assignment 1 and what we have to do. I thought I knew what we had to and then when I read the course outline I realize that I didn't. Now I am seeing those views purported by Thula and Dennis. Are we suppose to do an e-portfolio on our accomplishments or should we decide what we want to use to do such? Please comment on what I started doing for this assignment of which I stopped after reading the course outline. Any feedback by Dr. Putri will be welcome. Here goes:

    "It is a truism that the purpose of an e-Portfolio depends on the creator and the need for the portfolio. Helen Barrett, a contemporary and major proponent of the e-portfolio, points out three general purposes for developing portfolios:
    • Learning (Formative) Portfolios, which usually support professional development on an ongoing basis;
    • Assessment (Summative) Portfolios, which usually play a role within the formative evaluation process; and
    • Employment (Marketing) Portfolios, which students can use when seeking employment.
    There are many other types of portfolios, including Working Portfolios and Showcase or Best Works Portfolios, but these are not appropriate to me and my slower learners at Waterloo Secondary School (WSS). For this secondary school the Learning Portfolio is the chosen format. It is hoped that these learners will easily see for themselves the progress they would have made in all their seven subjects which they will take for a period of one academic year. These learners can easily convert their portfolios to Marketing Portfolios when they have completed their studies. The more pressing and immediate issue though for these learners would be for them to see by their own e-portfolio what strides they made or did not make and work towards remedying same. There will be formative assessment throughout the process and a summative assessment at the end. However it is hoped that the learners can demonstrate to themselves what strides they would have made and what is their way forward from here. Their experiences will also be captured and on reflection they can become better learners and life long learners also. This they should stumble upon for themselves.
    By integrating a Learning Portfolio into the curriculum, learners are able to document their learning experiences. Their e-portfolios will house their papers, videos, and other media while providing an organized visual experience for visitors that includes hyperlinks to the learners’ work. The Learning Portfolio allows learners to reflect upon their work throughout the program. WSS will benefit from the visual account of learners achievement, and by assisting learners in obtaining employment."

    Thanks for the feedback.

  10. Hello All

    I have been reading some of the articles that Dr. Putri and Imran have given and it seem to me that it could be sometime before e-portfolio becomes an authentic form of assessment, especially in education. The issues and challenges raised by Lorenzo and Ittelson (2005) must be dealt with before they can become trustworthy. What do you think?

  11. Hi Thula

    Thank you for getting us started on the actual task.

    Dr Putri and course mates

    I have done some brainstorming about the potential audiences for my e-portfolio. Here is the list.

    My current boss - to show him what I have learnt in this programme and what skills I have developed that can be used for the Virtual University of Pakistan (VUP, henceforth).Besides, it would also be important for me to show him the return for investment that he put in me by offering me the sponsorship for this MIDT programme.

    The Academic Heads of VUP – the term ID and thus this field of study is really new to audiences in Pakistan. Since as an ID I have to work closely with the academic staff of the university, I would like to inform them what I have learnt through the programme and in which areas they can rely on me and expect support from me.

    Any other potential employer, local or abroad – who wants to have the services of an ID in the field of education.

    Potential Higher Education Institutes - where I would wish to apply for PhD in ID & Technology.

    Facilitators of this MIDT programme - to present to them my complete work along with reflections, for them to evaluate my performance.

    Dr Putri, is there a possibility for us to develop a formative e-Portfolio? Given that such portfolios are works-in-progress however, we are done with our course and now the portfolio can serve as a summative one instead of formative. Please clarify.

  12. Hello Sarah

    Just read your post and I think that your audience for the e-portfolio is what is expected. And since you have not copyrighted it do you mind if I use parts of it please, because I think that it is a wonderful idea to demonstrate to all what we have accomplish doing this MIDT program.

    Let me know what you think.

  13. Hello Steve and All

    Of course Steve, you and everybody else on the course may use the ideas presented here.

    However, as I mentioned I have tried to explore the possibilites of an audience through this brainstorming exercise, it does seem to me that it will be too wide an audience to cater to for the portfolio, if I choose all of the options as my audience. should I consider tham all as my audience or I pick and chose few of them? Dr. Putri what would you suggest in this regard.


  14. Steve, I gather from your post that you are intending to try and implement a portfolio with your learners at WSS. If I am understanding the requirements of the assignment correctly, this is not what we are asked to do. However, I would like to request Dr Putri to explain us further if we are on the right track.

    As far as my understanding goes, we have to prepare a portfolio of the artifacts from our MIDT programme. The selection of the artifacts, the format and their presentation will depend on the audience we select. I think the selection of the audeince will determine our goals for the portfoilo and the portfolio type. Although, the audiences that I have mentioned in a previous post are not exhaustive but may give you an idea as to what kinds of audeinces we have to select for the assignment.

    Hope this helps!

    Dr. Putri, please correct me if I am wrong.

  15. Hi Sarah, Steve and all
    Thanks for your comments and suggestions which shed light, such as Sarah's comment that:
    'The selection of the artifacts, the format and their presentation will depend on the audience we select. I think the selection of the audeince will determine our goals for the portfoilo and the portfolio type.'

    From Steve's example, I see the potential of his own teaching portfolio as an example for students to create their own learning portfolios. Based on this, perhaps I can add another goal (intended outcome), as follows:
    -The other staff members will be encouraged to create their own professional development portfolios, as a long term goal.

  16. Helen Barrett commented that "a portfolio without standards, goals and/or reflection is just a fancy resume, not an electronic portfolio."

    Most of your suggestions seem to be Developmental Portfolios since they are mainly work in progress portfolios, supporting the development of knowledge and competencies over a period of time in the MIDT Program.

    Since it is part of your coursework so it is also an Assessment Portfolios, : assessment of learning. In this instance, your portfolio demonstrates the knowledge and competencies that you have acquired at a certain period in time.

    So, let us focus on developing e-portfolios that include artifacts that represent your accomplishments in MIDT and how it is applicable to your respective career/profession/organisation/and students.

    The audience could be your peers in this course, your colleagues/heads/deans etc at your workplace or the educational staff of MIDT.

  17. Hello Dr. Putri

    Thanks very much for the post as it has put things into focus nicely.

  18. Thank you Dr Putri

    That makes it relativley clear.


  19. Hello Sarah,

    Thanks for your help on the "Second Life" website.

    Now to your explanation of the difference between a Webpage and E-Portfolio. In making the distinction, remember how a portfolio emerged. It was started by poets, artists, journalists, archetects - whose purposes was to showcase the best pieces of their work for marketing purposes. That can be done through a website, which would make a website a kind of portfilio. What you and the others think>


  20. Dennis, I have just realised now through your post how the portfolios emerged. Maybe, back then the poets, architects, journalists and artists would give a brief account of their work along with the information on how their work could help the potential customers.

    Nonethelss, your question is important and interesting, Dr Putri, what is the answer to that?


  21. Respectable Putri and colleagues,

    I seize this opportunity to thank Sarah, Steve and Thula, for their very exciting discussions.In deed I happened to have discussed with Sarah on skype early last week on my targeted audience and my goal for the e-portfolio.I thank Prof Putri for clarifying the little doubts we had. Just as Prof Putri pointed out, I had initially targeted by audience to be the MIDT facilitators and potential employers of Instructional Designers.

    My goals were going to showcase my learning outcome in the course and also to market myself.

    I hope this tires well with Prof's view.

  22. Dear Dr Putri

    Please let me know what is the average number of artifacts that will be suitable for our e-portfolios.


  23. Dear Dr Putri

    Could OUM please provide us an archive of all our submitted course work so that we may choose from there our atifacts.Thanks


  24. Dear Dr Putri

    What is meant by choosing/selecting artifacts? Does it mean our completed assifnments i.e. the solution of an assignment, as it is or does it mean an abstract of the assignment?

    Please guide.

  25. Respected Prof Putri

    My target portfolio is an e-learning portfolio. The portfolio will be a record of my work as an educator.

    The record will be generic as an educator and specific in my role as the teacher for a specific course. I hope to link the portfolio to the lesson plan and demonstrate its applicability in the day to day life of an educator.

    Prof Putri: Is the above in line with the needs of this task? Am in being too ambitious.

    The portfolio will be 'representational' in nature.

    Can we use platforms like rcampus and squidoo?


  26. Now that i have gone through all the comments in the forums and the content so far. Let me refine my earlier goal in line with what Prof Putri says.

    "developing e-portfolios that include artifacts that represent your accomplishments in MIDT and how it is applicable to your respective career/profession/organisation/and students.

    The audience could be your peers in this course, your colleagues/heads/deans etc at your workplace or the educational staff of MIDT."

    Thus my portfolio will have the content that i have learnt in MIDT and the ways in which it will be applicable. Should we select one among the audience? I have the feeling that it is better to confine it to the colleagues/heads/deans and leave the students aspect of this session. Else, we will be too generic in our work. Your thoughts are welcome.


  27. Hello Thula,Shriram, Sarah and All

    I had the same first response as Shriram and then when I read the course outline I realize what was expected. So don't feel to bad Shriram.

    Clearly our artifacts will be our prominent work and should show our progression throughout the MIDT program. Does that mean we also use some of our postings from the LMS, group work and wikis?

  28. Dear Steve and All

    May I help you by quoting Dr Putri's word here "The artifacts collected should include only the completed MAIN or MAJOR project in each course. Like for the HPT course, just the Assignment 1 and 2 combined in one file, not including the reflection exercises, forum discussions etc." I hope this helps.

    My own opinion is that the end product of the groupwork can very much be taken as an artifact but not the discussions during the groupwork. What do you all say?


  29. Dear Dr Putri

    You have requested us to open a gmail account (I am quoting directly from your email here)"so you are able to access and use all the free Google tools like Google Doc, PICASA, Blogger etc. to create your E-Portfolio" I think this is pointing to the resources section of the proposal. (this is given as bullet number 4 in the assignment file given to us by you titled PRPOSAL FOR THE CREATION OF AN ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO. Let me state the bullet point here: "Identify the resources available for electronic portfolio development. What hardware and software do you have? what technology skills do you have or want to develop?" Am I right?

    I will want to use my gmail account :, the one I use to post comment on the blog, for this purpose. I hope that will be fine.

    Secondly, what is the expected length of the portfolio? Like one page or more?

    Thirdly, should we also need to have a picture of the format and layout of the portfolio in mind at this stage. I am asking this because it seems related with the last question in the aforesaid bullet 4.

    However, I am wondering what could be the hardware, since this is purely going to be an e-portfolio. Maybe what is expected is a computer, scanner printer etc ?!? Could you please clarify.

    Dear Coursemates, I would look forward to seeing your comments too.

    Many thanks

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Dear Dr. Putri

    Could you please take a look at the following thoughts. This is basically a self dialogue for clarifying my own thoughts for the e-portfolio since we are at the stage of developing our proposals.

    Potential Audiences:

    The MIDT facilitators and my course mates can be one set of audiences whereas another potential audience for my e-portfolio can be the potential ISD employers or current employers.

    Can one e-portfolio serve these two audiences?

    My stance is that these two present different nature of audiences and therefore, one portfolio cannot serve the two. This is, because the goals/purpose of preparing the portfolio for these two audiences are different. Or do you think they can be the same? I think my artifacts i.e. my accomplishments, the major projects in this MIDT programme can be the same for both the audiences however, for my facilitators I may have the aim to tell them this is how I have achieved the course/programme objectives through the artifacts. Whereas, to my potential or current employer or for that matter for professional promotion I may want to demonstrate them that these are the skills and knowledge that I have developed through the artifacts and thus may be considered capable and competent to serve their organisation.

    To bottle down my point, I may say that the artifacts in the e-portfolio for both these audiences can be the same however, the reflection (which will include the aforesaid things) will differ.

    Dr Putri, please comment and correct me if I am wrong in my understanding.

    I would very anxiously wait to hear from you.


  32. Dear Dr Putri and course mates

    Could you please help us see the difference between a goal and a purpose in the context of e-portolio making?


  33. Dear Prof.Putri, Sarah & all,

    I think ePortfolio would serve more than one audience when it is a hybrid of Assessment and Showcase ePortfolios. In this hybrid, the audiences would be our facilitators, peers, present and future employers.

    It is clear that a developmental ePortfolio is for communication purposes primarily. However, the Assessment and Showcase ePortfolios are difficult to differentiate except that the former is used for evaluating against a program standards and outcomes while the latter is used for showcasing what we can offer to the current and potential employers.

    Best regards,

  34. Dear Coursemates,

    Please refer to this link - 'ePortfolios with GoogleApps' created by Dr. Helen Barrett. I believe the information contained therein would answer most of the questions that we have in our mind.

    There are a lot of resources from her website too:

    We can even see Dr. Helen's own Professional Portfolio site as our reference:

    With this understanding, we would be confident to start on our assignment 1 - Stage 1 - Defining the portfolio goals (or purposes of portfolio, I think they carry the same meaning).

    Best regards,

  35. Hi Imran

    Thank you for your insightful posts,I agree absolutely with what you have mentioned; nonetheless, could you please shed some light on what sort of reflection will be given on the artifiacts in a single portfolio which is both an assessment and showcase portfolio.

    Do you think the reflection will be the same or will it be different, please explain.


  36. Thank you so much Imran for referring us to the links of Dr Helens work, it has been immensely helpful.

    Dear All

    One thing that I have gotten from my readings is (and I have applied it also, it has worked for me and I sincerely hope it does work for you too) that once you have selected the audience and are on the stage of deciding the purpose and goals of the e-portfolio, focus on the 'needs’ of the audience. More precisely do a ‘need assessment of the audience'. Besides, if you imagine your audience asking you the following two questions: “why are you showing your portfolio to me?" and "why should I look at it?" may also help in deciding the purpose and goals.

    Tell me if it works!


  37. Hi Sarah,

    The reflections given for both assessment(summative) and showcase portfolios will be our own "products" and achievements of a set of learning goals, outcomes, standard, specifications, skills, and experience. It is like taking a snapshot and present to the audiences to judge whether we meet their expectation and "specification".

    In fact, I find that reflection is an important subject in a portfolio. The meaning is very much more than what I have said. I believe it will be discussed in greater length by all of us in step 4 of the portfolio preparation process.

    Best regards,

  38. Hi Sarah,

    I agree the imporatance of doing need assessment of the audience.I would also like to highlight that the most important "needs" of the audiences in a portfolio would be the set of learning goals, outcomes, standards, specifications, skills, and experience.

    These "needs" differentiate a portfolio from a fancy resume (per Dr. Barrett).

    Over for your kind comments.

    Best regards,

  39. Hi Sarah and Imran,

    I can see both of you are engaged in a hot discussion on self reflection. Before I add my voice, I will like to thank Imran for the links provided and the article he distributed to us via email.

    Self-reflection in an e-portfolio can make a difference in how vividly you communicate your knowledge, skills, and personality. It should be styled in such a way that helps portfolio reviewers get to know the essential facts about you or the artifacts that you are commenting upon.


  40. Dear Dr Putri and Classmates,

    A lot of good discussion posts! I still don't seem to have a hang of the blog post. I tried to sign in, however, it gives me some strange stuff. I used "Blogger" back in 2006, after signing in the web page just takes me back.

    I would like start with the quote that Dr Putri started off with:
    "Helen Barrett commented that "a portfolio without standards, goals and/or reflection is just a fancy resume, not an electronic portfolio."

    So questions to all:
    1. If I am to read this statement correctly, a RESUME is more of a BOAST without proof?

    2. So an ARTIFACT would be a PROOF or EVIDENCE of what has been learned set against STANDARDS such as BLOOM's, CONSTRUCTIVISM principles, etc.? Proof would be student's work or author's own work

    3. REFLECTION would be given the feedback from ARTIFACTs, what changes have been brought about in designing and improving ones own instruction or what LESSONS have been learned.

    4. GOALS would be what OUTCOMES the author of the portfolio wants for himself/herself given the background of the students and the targets set in the courses. It could well be outcomes for the students themselves.

    5. AUDIENCE would be people who are unfamiliar not only with your work, but perhaps unfamiliar with the need for instruction to be designed. In such a case, the STANDARDS or need for standards has to be explained in terms of student learning and abilities.

    6. In my case, I would like my audience to be the Chairman of the Governing Body mainly to show him what can be achieved through designed instruction and cultivating ownership of the study material. At the same time I would show the progress that I have made as a teachers.

    Over to all of your for your comments.


  41. I am late again.
    First of all, thanks to all of you who have been posting for the past two weeks. Your posts are really helpful to me in my effort to get up to speed.
    Based on what Prof Putri and the rest of you have said here, I guess my portfolio will be a developmental and assessment portfolio. Looking at the sample portfolios, they are basically web pages with artifacts embedded in them. Have any of you decided the Web platform that you will be using to create the portfolio?
    I have registered for Second Life and have been floating aimlessly In-World : )... are we really going to use this? My feeling is that it is going to be hard to to meet In-World often as I am not allowed to install the viewer at my workplace.


  42. Dear All,

    I would like to thank Imran for his links. They proved to be very helpful. Within these links, the introduction I found most useful is at:

    and the diagram at:

    A problem that I am faced with. At this point in MIDT the e-portfolio would necessarily be of a retrospective or summative nature rather than a chronological e-portfolio. This matches with the showcasing or product portfolio as diagrammed by Dr. Helen Barratt. Is this thinking correct?

    So the goals would be to showcase a summative reflection on artifacts?

    Over to all of you.


  43. Dear Facilitator and colleagues,

    Based on all the discussions that have been going on here, I have finally settled on developing an assessment/showcase e-portfolio with my targeted audience will be my MIDT facilitators, course mates, my employer and potential employers. I plan to use Googledoc as a Web 2.0 tool because it is one of the dynamic web service that an individual or institution can use to create and publish a presentation portfolio that allows interactivity.

    If you are interested in seeing what it takes or the steps involve in using Googledoc, copy and place this link in your browser to see details of the steps involved.

    To use it, you need to have a Google account, the reason why Dr Putri asked us to create a one if you do not have it yet. I will appreciate your various feedback on this


  44. Hi everyone. Thanks for all the interesting and insightful discussions on how to develop an e-portfolio. I have decided to develop a showcase portfolio based on what I have learnt throughout this MIDT programme. My audience will be my MIDT facilitators and course mates. Since I already have a blog of my own, I will be using Google docs and some Web 2.0 resources.

  45. Hi to Yousuf, Mike and all
    I have also had a similar problem on the scope of my e-portfolio as Yousuf "So the goals would be to showcase a summative reflection on artifacts?"

    Yet according to Barrett, my e-portfolio needs to include the following three forms of [reflections]:
    1. Artifacts I have collected from the past
    2. reflect upon what artifacts showcase about my learning at [present]
    3. reflect upon my [future] learning goals

    Thanks Mike, for the Googledoc link

  46. Dear all

    I am going to end this discussion by summarizing that the purpose of this e-portfolio is
    - to house evidence in the form of artifacts or documents that demonstrate competencies for your (students') work throughout the MIDT educational program.
    - the audience will mainly be your current institution to showcase how the knowledge & skills gained is useful/helpful/relevant to the needs of the institution/students.
    - In addition, the ePortfolio will also provide evaluators (secondary audience: MIDT lecturers and coursemates) with a factual document that includes concise, selective information from a variety of sources and experiences.
    - You should utilize your knowledge of common applications and formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Acrobat, FLASH, HTML, video software, etc. to create ePortfolio artifacts.
    - The length and size of the artifacts depend on the project type.
    - The artifacts should only include the major and important project(s) from each course.

    However, as Thula said you can include other artifacts from the past that are related to the MIDT course goals.

    We will begin the reflection exercise after you have compiled all your artifacts.

  47. Respected prof Putri

    Great work in getting us from zero in portfolios to writing the proposal. Thanks to the dear colleagues who have been wonderful in their comments. I did enjoy the process.

    I have sent the proposal via mail to you and hope you have recieved it.

    with best wishes


  48. Hello Yeap

    You have asked in your post about the web platform for the e-portfolio. Well, I will be using Google applications for it. Hope this helps!

  49. I'm really sorry for my too late participation. For the last few days I was going through Dr Putri's and my classmates' postings, and just couldn't decide how to start with.

    The core aspects of an e-portfolio appeared to me are reflection and learning, and hence I suppose learners would better be benefited if introduced with e-portfolio at the beginning of an academic programme.

    E-portfolio has been defined as "an electronic collection of evidence that shows your learning journey overtime" I was just wondering whether we need to organize the e portfolio course wise.

    As I understand from the nature of e-portfolio, e-portfolio is a collection of academic evidence with writing samples, photos, videos, research projects, observations by mentors and peers and reflective thinking. I found all these aspects very useful for the development and progress of an academic's career. I don't know about my peer's position, but in my case I see it quite challenging to gather everything of previous semester works for preparing my e portfolio.


  50. Hi Imran, Thula, Yousuf and All,

    I was completely submerged with the discussions of my peers. 'Reflection' is the key term I was hooked up with, and at this point I'm feeling tempted to share my understanding of 'reflection' in learning.

    Plato's direction of 'know thyself' is the core of e-portfolio to lead a learner by providing a structure to reflect systematically overtime on the learning process (John Zubizaretta, 2004). E-portfolio prepares avenues for reflecting on experiences, and as we learn not from experiences but from reflecting on experiences (John Dewey), learning portfolios if integrated with an academic or professional programme, performers as well as relevant people can benefit from them. For a deep learning as Piaget mentions, reflection is a vital part.
    Jennifer Moon (1999) too has elaborated on the importance of reflection in learning cycle, concrete experience needs to be followed by observation and reflection that helps form abstract concepts, and the implications of concepts are to be tested in new situations to form new experiences.

    So, I was wondering while preparing the assessment e-portfolio are we following the 1st half of the cycle, that is, our concrete experience followed by reflection. And the rest half, formation of concepts and testing the implications of concepts will remain for our practical experience with the institution we are working in?

    And now I’m quoting from Dr Putri’s last posting, “the audience will mainly be your current institution to showcase how the knowledge & skills gained is useful/helpful/relevant to the needs of the institution/students” , to evaluate my understanding that, do we need to reflect on the MIDT experiences and knowledge of how useful/helpful/relevant it could be to our institution/audience?


  51. Dr Putri and All,

    Dr Helen Barrett's portfolio is a wonderful specimen. Out of curiosity I just clicked one of her videos, 'Choices', and I was thrilled at the mixture of art, science and pedagogy in it. Very eloquently she has elaborated how one poem 'The Road not Traveled'by Robert Frost captured all her frame of mind. The mixture of an expressive music along with Helen's narration has made the video unique.

    Thanks so much Dr Putri.


  52. Dr Dr Putri and Class,

    It’s very thoughtful and very academic opinion has presented about portfolio in this forum.
    Let me say from other aspects (my experiences).
    Now I am as one the task force of Indonesian National Ministry of Education for HYLITE program (Hybrid Learning for Indonesian Teachers). This program provided by elementary teachers to have Bachelor Degree use ICT (1 month face to face and 5 months independent learning: use ICT).

    At the end of their study, they would not do a final examination. They just do a research for action class and develop their e-portfolio (on CD, and the data presented use powerpoint).

    To have good portfolio with some points (or it’s called by CUM), some teachers will active also to participate for training and seminar programs to get the certificates. The certificates will use as the point of their portfolio. But, unfortunately, some of them is going to negative mission for seminar and training. The important not the subject of the content of training/seminar, but the certificates.
    For example: for one day seminar, they will go in the first session and then leave the program and back again at the end of the program to get the certificates.

    I need your opinion about this. Since the portfolio also see the indicators how we get the professional and academic record.

    Thank you, timbul
